Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Room with a view

For the first time since we moved in, the view from our living room window is really lovely. Chris has recently made a massive weed control effort, the piles of construction materials are gone, and the veggies and flowers are lush and blooming.

In this photo you can see the new peach trees in pots waiting to be planted. They are in the ground now, planted between the apple trees. The idea is that the young-lived peaches will come out in 10 years or so, just as the apples start to need the space. In the foreground are my zinnias, bloodflowers, forget-me-nots, calendulas, and a few chrysanthemums. Also herbs and volunteer cherry tomatoes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jen, it looks beautiful! You must be so happy to have the construction stuff gone and the fruits of your labors before you. Congratulations to you and Chris for the continued improvements to the property and your dreams.
