Here is our outdoor abattoir, or chicken slaughterhouse.
Scotty helps to bring in the chickens and keeps them calm
and he has begun to learn how to eviscerate them. Here he is working with Crystal, our most faithful helper on butchering day.
We call it a project because there are lots of things going on here. We are a family of four living semi-rurally in our owner-built off-grid straw bale home, attachment parenting, homeschooling, farming and homesteading with two other family members on 10 acres. Our goals are self-sufficiency and sustainability as we prepare for the future while living joyfully in the present.
Scotty is a natural on the farm. He is growing up so fast! And where did you come from, consorting with all those bees?! You have courage I never have had and I never would have guessed you had when you were growing up. Snakes, sharks, bulls, bees . . . what's next? You never cease to amaze me!
So, did you sell the farm, did it burn down, did aliens land and plant their flag? Haven't seen any news here in a long time.
I LOVE what you are doing on your farm. Wish I could...maybe some day! We are in Peralta, but definately not "off the grid", yet!
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