So I uploaded the photos from my camera, which dated from just before Christmas, so I could do a few blog posts. Problem is, I can't do it yet. There are photos from New Year's Day where we blew the steam whistle in our annual tradition for good luck, but those are too hard for me to look at right now because things took a turn for us just a week later.
Here is the last photo that I took "before."
It was a delicious dinner that I made especially for Chris from our own chicken and potatoes. Yummy hot wings. We had a great night that night--we felt so hopeful and optimistic for this year because Chris was finally going to leave his stressful job and we were going to become full time farmers.
Unfortunately, two days later he was injured in a farm accident. He should have healed within a week or two--or at least been able to move around and so on--but the injury has caused a horrible side effect called CRPS, or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, also known as causalgia. It's a nasty nerve disease where he suffers from unbearable pain in his foot and lower leg (the injury was to his upper leg) because of nerve damage. Look it up--it really sucks. It's now over a month later and he has been severely disabled ever since then. It is getting worse every day.
Tuesday he goes into the hospital for several days for an aggressive treatment designed to stop or slow down the progression of the disease. All we can do is hope that it helps at least enough to let him walk without crutches.
I really want to get back into posting here soon. We have actually been getting a few things done, even so far as installing the greenhouse film! We are not letting this stop us, but I must admit that life is definitely challenging at the moment. Hopefully we'll see some improvement in his pain and mobility by this time next week and I'll be able to catch up with the blog.
For now, please send healing thoughts our way, or pray if you are so inclined. We are strengthened by everyone's support, even from far away!
Oh gosh, Jen. I'm so terribly sorry this has happened to Chris, and your family. That's really awful.
I sort of know what he's going through as I still have terrible nerve damage in my foot, ankle and calf from my knee reconstruction surgery 5 weeks ago.
I fell of my horse on Christmas Eve and ripped my ACL, Meniscus, and Lateral Ligaments.
I still can't walk without crutches even with weekly physical therapy, and Dr. says I won't be able to resume normal activity until after August.
I'm so sorry, especially after discovering that Chris was planning on becoming a full-time farmer just days before the accident. I, too had so many exciting plans for this Spring and Summer and now have to just live day by day.
Please let Chris know we're pulling for him, praying for him, and sending healing energy in his direction.
Nerves can be very tricky, and often they surprise us and fully heal. I hope this is the case for Chris, too.
Take Care,
I am so sorry for what you all are going through! Please know I'm sending healing thoughts your way...
I haven't looked up CRPS yet, I think I'm afraid to. But this is terrible news. :-(
I've just lit a candle for him.
I've been thinking about you every day and am sending positive vibes in your direction! I really believe that you will get it figured out. I love you all so much! Little sister Ali
A new post! We know how busy you've been. It will get better, easier, some verson of progress - ya gotta know that. Until it does, you have all of us here.
We love y'all!
You know how much I love you!
Okay, so I better be off and go start my Jenny list!
Big.Big.Big.Love from here ♥
breathe deep and crank them Cowboy Junkies ;D
~Your partner in cry ♥
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