Sunday, February 24, 2008

Your recent comments

Thanks everyone for your comments on my last post. Twinville, you are the third person to nominate me for the Excellent Blogger award! Thanks to everyone for the nominations! As you can tell, I'm not all that great about making a fancy sidebar so I might not get my "E" but I do really appreciate the nod.

Karl, on chicken fencing: We are now using 6 foot tall 2x4 welded wire mesh fencing. Yeah, it's ugly. And the junglefowl can still fly right over it. It's a constant battle!

Jane and Perri: Great to hear from you! One way to find things in your area like this is to look at CSA farms. Another way is to try to find a local sustainability or farming/gardening e-group. If no one is doing it, suggest it!

Mik: Yes, I got Mac's message. So cute! And cool about the Medicare thing. I guess they are finally realizing it's not medically necessary.

I have pictures uploaded so hopefully I'll get more posts up soon!

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